

池崎拓也 芸術文化センター作品 Takuya Ikezaki

池崎拓也 1981年 鹿児島県徳之島生まれ 北京・東京在住

Takuya Ikezaki, born in Tokunoshima, Kagoshima in 1981, currently
residing in Beijing/Tokyo
"Blue Sky, Blue Mountain and Blue Sea falling from the Eyes"
Installation works of Takuya Ikezaki deal with elusive sensations or
awarenesses such as blinking lights showing up underneath closed
eyelids and crumpled fabrics by using cheap and daily materials. His
works, composed of common materials such as paper, plastic tapes,
clothes and wires, turn the sea, mountains, roads and sky into one
scenery. The sense of material that can not be grapsed just by
visions, such as light particles, wrinkles and pleats, link with
personal memories like time and space.

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